20 February 2007

Leathercrafting / Skinning Guide

While at the lower levels leatherworking may look like a less useful tradeskill, at the higher levels it becomes more valuable. However, I would say that leatherworking isn’t necessarily a money making powerhouse of a tradeskill, it does allow you to make armor kits and obtain leather used for making bags.

How useful is leatherworking?

Leatherworking has arguable use. For Alliance there are plenty of quests that give out nice leather armor up until level 40, then it gets pretty desolate till 60. The Stranglethorn Vale Tiger/Panther/Raptor Masteries really give some awesome leather gear that is rather hard to beat at level 32-34. However when you hit level 40, you’ll wanna upgrade, and aside from Tremours of the Earth at lvl 50 and a nice Felwood quest that gives you some shoulders, you’ll be crafting and wearing most of your gear.

Once you get near level 50, you can pick a grandmastery and then begin making some impressive quality items. Depending on what path you take, you’ll see different bonuses, but most of them will sell well on the Auction House.

Uniqueness of Skinning

The thing I particularly enjoy about Skinning/leatherworking is; unlike other professions, you can control the pace that you gain resources. You know your skins come off beasts, you know there is an endless supply of beasts and all you have to do is kill them to gain resources. If you know the drop rate and your character’s limitations (how fast he can kill and where he can hunt) you can deduce how many skins you’ll rack up in an hour. With mining/smithing there’s always competition and the veins have to respawn to get resources, with tailoring you can only gain resources off monster drops (which is not 100% drop rate) and with Enchanting… well we know that’s a bitch.

Being able to calculate the intake of skins per hour gives you an upper hand and allows this profession a very stress free approach.

Armor Kits

Everyone wants em, you can make em! This is the leathercrafter’s claim to fame. They add up to 40 armor to any head, foot, leg or chest piece of armor that any class can wear. You can sell them, use them or pass them out to guildmates but they are the most useful class-spanning item a leathercrafter can produce.

Making Money

You’ll eventually be faced with the enigma of: 'How do I make money as a leathercrafter?' Unfortunately I’m not the best source of information on this subject since I don’t like creating items to sell. (It weighs heavily on my leveling process.) Other then the obvious means of creating a nice green or blue item found in a recipe and selling it on the Auction House; I will introduce to you an alternate method of making money with your leathercrafter.

There are places in Azeroth that allow you to collect multiple leathers off of one skin. This, coupled with the fact that some items that can produce with that leather sells for between 40-80 silver, makes item creation both quick and lucrative. So lets say you go out and farm some leather in a multiple skin spot. You collect leather so fast that you could quickly create an 80 silver item. You may have to pay around 10 silver for materials to create that item but you can quickly sell it to the vendor for a profit of 70 silver. Sure, you could try your luck at the Auction House, but there are so many other leathercrafters out there selling the same wares as you, you’re gonna have a problem unloading your stuff. So in order to save on time , money, and overall profit just sell your items to the vendor. If you’re doing this with the right items it is possible to make 10-15 gold an hour if you know a good spot to skin . There are most likely better places to grind for leather that would yield greater rewards, but I haven’t looked too much into them. Just keep your mind open to this option and perhaps you can find another means of making money without having to find a demand.

Tiers of leatherworking

The tiers of leatherworking are pretty simple. They basically work off of what kind of leathers you will use when creating items. Leather drops are based on monster level as well as drop percentages, for instance you will not receive a medium leather from a monster below level 17. I would consider 1-16 the first tier as you will only receive light leathers through that period. At level 25 you still have the chance to receive a light leather off a skinning, however as the level of the monster increases, so does your chance of receiving a higher grade of leather.

  • Levels 1-16 - Light Leather / Light Hide

  • Levels 17-30 - Medium Leather / Medium Hide

  • Levels 31-40 - Heavy Leather / Heavy Hide

  • Levels 41-50 - Thick Leather / Thick Hide

  • Levels 50-60 - Rugged Leather / Rugged Hide

  • Levels 61-70 - Knothide Leather / Fel Hide

These levels are approximated and they will vary depending on the kind of monster you kill, however this a roundabout chart that will allow you to get a feel of where and when you’ll get to the next tier.

Where to Grind

Knowing where to grind is the biggest part being a leathercrafter. There are many places in Azeroth that will produce high amounts of leather and there are also bad places. I always like to find humanoids who can be skinned so I could farm both leather, silver, and humanoid loot table drops; which tend to be nicer then beasts. Werewolves, Yeti’s and Dragonkin all fall into this category. I’ve noticed that some of these monsters have much better loot tables then the rest, (e.g. the brown yetis in Hillsbrad have worthwhile loot tables while the snow yeti’s to the north have shite). Either way they both have medium/heavy leather so take your pick on which one to farm.

Other zones that are made for skinning are Shimmering Flats, Badlands, Swamp of Sorrows and the big baddy, Stranglethorn Vale. Since you’ll be staying in Stranglehorn for quite a while, you’ll get a great deal of Medium, Heavy and Thick leathers from the beasts in this zone.

Past 250 Skill

Once you hit 250 skill you’ll need to get the rest of your recipes from the Auction House or find them off monsters. You defiantly wanna find the Wicked Leather recipes, for they allow for quick and painless leveling into the 300 range. Pay attention for them and buy them as soon as possible. It is common to pay 5 gold for a good 50+ level leatherworking recipe.

Dependencies on other Trade Skills

The only dependency you will have on other tradeskill is Engineering. At 250 Engineering can make an item called a Salt Shaker. This allows you to create Refined Deeprock Salt from Deeprock Salt. The reset on creating a single Refined Deep Rock Salt is 3 days. The Salt Shaker is reusable so you’ll only need one of them but if you want to create refined deeprock salt at a faster rate, get a handful of Salt Shakers (each have their own reset time).

Though you aren’t very dependant on other tradeskills, they are dependant on you. High level bags require leather for creation and a lot of weapons throughout all tiers require forms of leather. So you can always find a buyer on the Auction House for your leathers if the price is right.

This can be a benefit and a curse considering you will always be needed, even after you may have started an alt and do not have interest in using your Rogue to farm leather. Cough Cough.

Tribal / Elemental / Dragon Grandmasteries

When you near level 50 you’ll be able to receive a quest to learn one of the three masteries. Each of these masteries have different benefits, but once you have learned one, you will no longer have the option to choose the other two, so you must make your decision wisely.

Elemental Leatherworking Mastery

Elemental deals with creating armor that allows for sometimes high agility and resistances to certain elements, ie: water, fire, etc. Though at the lower levels elemental resistances are not an important factor, trust me when I say you’ll want high fire resistances in the high level instances. The first recipe Helm of Fire gives 17 agility, 10 stamina and 5 fire resistance. Oh, and it also shoots a fireball at monsters upon use (which is just odd). I choose this line, but outside of the Helm of Fire (which I used till level 60) and the Volcanic Leggings I’ve not had much of a use for it. Perhaps they’ll either add recipes to existing areas or new recipes will drop once new content has been discovered?

Also, to gain the items needed to create Elemental gear, you’ll need to kill Elementals (no shit?), which can be a pain. The problem is: these materials are often used by smiths to create some high level weapons, so it’s not as easy to obtain the resources as you may like.
Tribal Leatherworking Mastery
Tribal truly has some cool stuff. While Elemental focuses on protecting you from the elements, tribal focuses on damage output. A lot of the tribal recipes create items not so focused on adding agility but to adding attack power. A lot of diversity and options between tribal recipes make it a very useful mastery to pickup.

To get the resources to create your Tribal items you’ll need to skin certain kinds of creatures such as Devilsaurs in Un’Goro Crater or Frostsabers in Winterspring. Most of these monsters aren’t the easiest to solo and require a few friends to make the process go smoothly.

When undertaking the tribal quest you’ll have to have learned all the wild leather recipes from the Feralas quest located in Feathermoon h2hold.

Dragon Leatherworking Mastery

I’ve not had much experience with the dragon mastery but the thing that’s worth mentioning is it is focused on creating Mail items. This fact makes it more useful for hunters that have chosen leatherworking as a profession. The resources needed to create items in this mastery come from skinning various types of dragons. You’ll need to slay Green Dragons, Blue Dragons, Dragons in instances, etc… (and yes, whelps count as dragons).


Though leatherworking didn’t make me a lot of money, I didn’t focus on using it to do so. I enjoyed skinning as I controlled the flow of resources and it allowed me to plan my leveling schedule around it. I enjoy the recipes in the Tribal Mastery with Elemental as a close second. However, as new content is unlocked I may have more of an interest in Elemental because of the resistances it allows your armor to have.

Lockpicking Guide

Lock picking is best scene as a fun tradeskill like ability that only rogues get to partake in. It’s impossible to level this very high without leveling your character but it is a fun little skill to play with as you level through the game.

How useful is it?

Lock picking has limited use but sure is handy. Obviously enough it allows you to pick any chest or lockbox in the game, however slightly lesser known it allows you to open most doors that require keys. These doors include Searing Gorge, Scarlet Monastery, Blackrock Depths, Scholomance, etc. As you go through the game you’ll have to acquire keys to get through each of these doors, but with a high lock pickings kill you’ll be able to just pick your way through and toss the keys.

Can’t Blacksmiths lockpick?

Blacksmiths can pick locks but only with keys they have to craft. The big problem is that the keys used in lock picking take resources such as Truesilver that are in a very limited quantity. Not to mention a blacksmith’s keys can’t open very high lockboxes, Mithral, Thorium and lockboxes of the like are left exclusively for your Rogue.


As you may know by now if you pickpocket humanoids you may receive a lockbox. These lockboxes aren’t the same as ones that drop randomly that contain green items or bags. These lockboxes are specifically for the use of leveling your lock picking skill. You’ll be able to pick pocket your way through humanoids while gaining lockboxes as you progress through the game, however only a few levels of humanoids have the boxes you’ll be needing.

You see lockboxes dropped off humanoids come in tiers. Each lockbox has a designated lock picking skill requirement that is necessary to open it. For example purposes lets say you need to get from 175 lockpicking skill to 185, then you’ll need to find a certain kind of lockbox, and for this range it will be Sturdy Lockbox. The only mobs that drop study boxes are level 40-47 humanoids in various places, mainly being Ogres. You would need to pickpocket these monsters over and over to gain the Study lockboxes you need to get the points you desire.

Money as a Lock Picker

Sadly it is not customary to receive money to open chests as not a lot of Rogue’s charge for their lock picking ability. Most people want to level their lock picking so they go to a major city and offer to open picks for free. In the game’s infancy that throws the supply and demand of lock picking services way out of wack and those Rogues looking to make profit for their services are poorly rewarded. So starting a lock picking service may not make you money if you are picking for other people, but it has other benefits. Remember, there may be 300 skill chests that drop in content not yet added to the game, at that point we may see some actual payout as Rogues no longer need to level their abilities, they will be able to charge for their expertease.

Tiers of Lockpicking

Now you can level with pick pocketing or you can be patient and level efficiently through other means. Though I’m only familiar with the Alliance Rogue, I won’t be able to tell the Horde players their initial skill-up device, but if you look on the boards you shouldn’t have too much trouble. It is also worth mentioning that Horde players can use the devices mentioned below, however it may be more convenient to find closer ones that are Horde related.

The “other means” I was referring to comes in the form of unclickable chests and doors that require keys. Anything that requires a key will basically allow you to level your lock picking on it, so doors are fair game. The list located on this guide will show you what you’ll need to pick to get to 300 lock picking.


On the Alliance side you will be given a quest to venture to Alter’s Mill and practice your lock picking to obtain your Certificate of Thievery (or something like that). You’ll want to pick this lock until you reach 85 skill.


When you reach level 20 on the Alliance side, you’ll be given a quest to obtain your poisons. Within the top of the tower there is a chest that you needed to open to obtain the item for the quest. This chest will allow you to level comfortably up to 175 (though it may take some patience from 160-175). Since there is a level 26 elite mob up top, you should definitely wait till you’re high enough level to take him out safely. You’ll now be able to open various Steel Lockboxes.


This is the painful pick pocketing part that you will have to endure. Currently there is no other means of leveling this stretch on the Alliance side, so you’ll have to get 10 sturdy lockboxes from 40-47 Ogres in Tanaris. Since the drop rate is really random, just be prepared to sit there for a while as you collect your 10 lockboxes.


I particularly enjoyed this stretch because it takes you into Scarlet Monastery to pick the doors. The doors outside the instance are on a timer and you can only pick them once every few minutes to get a skill up, however the doors on the inside (near Herod and leading to the cathedral) are always available. The only trick to picking the locks inside the instance is that you’ll need to reset the instance by joining a new group after you every pick. I didn’t bother with Herod’s doors I just grinded on the cathedral doors while getting the chest on the right hand side and killing the High Inquisitioner. You can farm so many greens so fast, you’ll be an enchanters best friend. Preferably you’ll want to be level 50+ to pick these locks because you’ll need a complete lack of agro range to pick safely without getting into a fight. So just join new groups, be it allegiance or non-allegiance to get inside the instance to reset it (have your friends invite you) and grind the door to the cathedral then exit and pick the locks outside the instance in hopes that the timer has reset. It’ll take a few hours and remember to go in with a barren inventory, you’ll need the space with all the greens you’ll be looting off the chests and High Inquisitioner. After this stretch you’ll be able to unlock Mithral boxes.


There are a handful of ways to do this stretch but none are as quick and painless as the previous methods. One thing to remember is that you can always pick the Searing Gorge gates for 2 points quickly. I think they may be on a timer so you may have to occupy yourself in Searing Gorge after every pick.

A common practice is opening locks in a major city to get a skill up. While I don’t necessarily enjoy the means because it is time-intensive and hard to sometimes its hard to find someone to give you the box to get the skill up, it does get some points over time.

The way I leveled through this stretch was I getting my Guild to send their boxes over to me for a week, it didn’t take long before I had my 280 and I was good to go.

When you hit 280 you should be able to open Thorium boxes as well as any boxes currently in the game.


Talk about easy, easy, easy. Just go into Blackrock Depths, hit the gate on the left, the door past it and the next door for a quick 3 points. Leave the instance, regroup and reset it, and re-enter to get 3 more points. These 20 points should take 10-15 minutes tops considering you have friends to reset the instance and you’re at lvl 60 to get to 300 skill. When you hit 300 you can now navigate Scholomance without a key.

Though lock picking is limited use, it’s a fun thing to level especially when you’ve hit the higher levels and you need a break from questing. I think the most valuable aspect is that it showed me that I could use my rogue to supply my enchanter with items found in Scarlet Monastery.

Playing a Pally - A bad dream VS Fun to play

Featuring: Maniacu (pally gentleman on Azgalor - US server) the writer & Luciass (warlock lady on Azgalor - US server) the lady with a big BAT forcing me to write :|

DISCLAIMER: If you don't like this article go and cry more about it, or FORMAT u'r PC using a big SLADGE HAMMER (for that ask Pysical - he can dual them :O)

P.S. I'm sure I'll miss some things that I want to talk about but I'm not good at writing an article and I’m awful at English so there is no room for thinking.

Life of a pally. Starting with the beginning, all good and wonderful till ... *sight* you see all that classes that races awwww ooooo ummmmm then u see the pally class …..

Guardians of the Holy Light and defenders of the Alliance, paladins bolster their allies with holy auras and blessing to protect their friends from harm and enhance their powers. Wearing heavy armor, they can withstand terrible blows in the thickest battles while healing their wounded allies and resurrecting the slain.

(A) In combat, they can wield massive two-handed weapons, stun their foes, destroy undead and demons, and judge their enemies with holy vengeance. (B) Paladins are a defensive class designed to outlast their opponents. The Paladin (C) is a mix of a melee fighter and a SECONDARY spell caster. The Paladin is ideal for groups due to the Paladin's healing, Blessings, and other abilities. Paladins can have one active aura per Paladin on each party member and use specific Blessings for specific players. Paladins are pretty hard to kill, thanks to their assortment of defensive abilities. The Paladin can also heal with Holy Light, unlike other combat classes. (D)The Paladin is an Undead specific fighter as well, with several abilities designed to be used against the Undead.


1(a) Can wear the heaviest of armors and use most weapons
2(a) Can sacrifice self for the sake of the party to prevent a total group wipe
3(a) Can cast Auras and Blessings that provide useful buffs for other players
4(a) Can summon a Warhorse mount
5(a) Can heal party members and resurrect others after battle


1(b) Heavily dependant on mana for offense and defense abilities
2(b) No ranged capabilities, except to stop wounded opponents from fleeing
3(b) Limited abilities with which to draw enemy attacks

Now let's compare what blizz whanted a pally to look like and what the players end up to be. (again OFF TOPIC ... FUCK U BLIZZARD ).

A bad dream

1st of all try leveling a pally …. O yess …..if u are crazy enough and try to lvl with a 1hander u will spend 3 times more than any other class and if u wanna be more crazy don't use SOC ( Seal of Command : Seal of Command (Rank 1) 65 Mana nstant castGives the Paladin a chance to deal additional Holy damage equal to 70% of normal weapon damage. Only one Seal can be active on the Paladin at any one time. Lasts 30 sec.Unleashing this Seal's energy will judge an enemy, instantly causing 46.5 to 50.5 Holy damage, 93 to 101 if the target is stunned or incapacitated.) wooaaahh well is better than anything else :|

(A) two handed weapons ? LMAO !! yes that will happened when warrior will stop to exist or ... we pallys can solo BWL or w/e 40 man instance till then keep use u'r + healing 1h shit :)

(B) O RLY ?? some one please tell that to the other classes plz ... though is a good part about this too :)

(C) Tell that to the Leader of a grup please, WE ARE NOT PRIESTS !!!! god …if u like to heal ROLL a priest god damn …..MELE !!! SECONDARY CASTER !! SECOND meaning not 1st … but 2nd don't try to outheal a pirest ... cummon guys ….

(D) well pretty disappointed when I seen my 1st horde undead and start spaming my exorcism on him and nothing happened … made tone of TICKETS to GM's all a massive lie ….. /cry

1(a) Blizz please tell that often so I cand get my loot please ? i'm sick of my healing shit … BTW this is a P.S. what items are designed for pallys ? only the rare plate with + intel ? we can use w/e but we will never get w/e ----> going to (C) again ….we can do dps too,I showed that in a MC run ill show it more if i'm ALLOWED. So let me achive my Strengths 1(a)

2(a) use us more….. atleast we are good at something

3(a) idem 2(a)

4(a) to be honest BUY one don't spend u'r time & money on a stupid quest !

5(a) Nightmare for me; happy hour for priests

1(b) not that Heavily dependant on mana but still we use a lot (this is off topic on this there is not bad part or a good part)

2(b) lol rofl lmao “except to stop wounded opponents from fleeing” LIARS !!! we don't have any shnare effects slow and all that SHIT ! like any other class do … not even raged attack …dooh so YES if u can't kill me just run :) lol crazy game … the hammer … well is not always killing u, and …. It misses a lot …

3(b) true … waiting for the expansion

Fun to play

I will always love to play my SPECIAL pally way cuz I don't fear anymore on map about the horde, I rape they asses I f*ck them hard farm fast like crazy and if the problem is that big that I can't swolow it I BUBLE HEART out !! so yes cry more cuz u can't catch me mwhahahahahaha I can heal myself bless myself I can bandage dirnk pots even cook fish play ball and rape horde I love for what I am and I detest ppl that don't respect me for what I am …. A FUKING DPS PALLY!

(A) I love to land a big 2h sword on the back of a horde to see him screaming ans squiling around ( over 1100dmg white + @the same SOC ) so yes ….we can DPS we can kill we are bad with bad ass 2h ...

(B) I love the protection tree mmm ... There is no MELEE class that will own a good prot pally !!!! NEVER !!!!

(C) I love going ganking pvp-ing healing MYSELF all in one! that's why I play a pally :) (something like a warrior DPS + HEALS woot)

(D) Good for farming undeads ONLY ….

1(a) Best of the best to bad the items are hard to get

2(a) What can I say ? I love to kill myself for my lovely friends

3(a) Yes I love some bufs like MIGHT to own faster Kings to last more Sanctuary to block better Light to heal me more . Love my auras so I can annoy casters >:) and sanctity to put a bonus to DAMAGE.

4(a) Love my lvl 40 horse is free …. Never done the lvl 60 one cuz is stupid :)

5(a) Yesssss I can be all in wonder!

1(b) 3k mana in PVP mode … never complain about it !! so I don't need mana >:)

Play your class as u like ! is your time of life your money / month your toon,your happiness.
HAVE FUN AND ENJOY WOW …. Try to bee les LOOTWHORES and let other ppl eat from the soup that we all worked on.
Passing is Sharing, Sharing is Heaven ….. don't share then taste my Black List!

P.S. For blizz some FINAL WORDS that u must LEARN IT!

A hybrid is any class that is capable of filling (at least partially) roles primarily held by other classes. A paladin is a hybrid because it can tank in place of a Warrior, and heal in place of a Priest. A Shaman is a hybrid because it can deal damage in place of a Rogue / Hunter / Mage, but also heals in place of a Priest. A Druid can be a Warrior / Rogue / Caster / healer. A Rogue is NOT a hybrid because they deal melee damage, that is their primary role. They cannot heal, tank, or crowd control (sap aside).

To mule or not to mule ...

As I leveled up my first character to level 70 I saw that I was vendoring a lot of Quest Items as well as green loot to make cash. In addition I also vendored a lot of tradeskill items that would have been beneficial to my future alts that may have related professions. As I progressed through the game it became clear that I needed to create a system for myself so I wouldn’t waste the items I found throughout my leveling. Hence, smart muling.

The concept of smart muling isn’t having one mule that carries all your stuff, its having many mules that carry specific items. I’m sure most people have a similar system but in World of Warcraft smart muling really pays off because of the economy and ease of re-rolling.

This guide is part 1 of a 3 part guide which includes Smart Muling, Smart Tradeskilling and Smart Alt Progression. Each guide builds upon foundations and recommendations made in the previous guide.

Mule Creation

Create your mules relatively soon after you create your main playable character and name your mules accordingly. You’ll need one mule for the Auction House, one mule for smith goods, one mule for herb goods, one mule for recipes, etc. I like to name my mules logically. If you’re going to make your first mule to hold your mining supplies, name him something like ‘smithgoods’ or ‘miningstuff’. This will save you frustration when things start to get complex later on.

You’ll also want to pick your mule’s race wisely. Since you shouldn’t be playing these characters, its best to get them as close to the Auction House as possible upon creation. Currently there is only one auction house for each faction, so if you’re playing Alliance, your best bet may be Human, Dwarf or Gnome (easy access to IF with little or no danger involved in the travel). For horde, perhaps a Troll or an Orc would be the best bet? Make your mule’s class a class with higher hit points (warrior), since that initial run to the Auction House can often be a pain.

How it all Works

Now that you’ve gotten your brave mule to his destination next to the Auction House and preferably a mailbox you clear his pack of all items other then his Hearthstone. Then you simply logoff your mule and you’re good to go.

Since most people will already have a main character they play with, it’s time to hit the Auction House to buy 5 bags (or make some if you’re a tailor). I prefer to only buy 10 slotters for my mule since its much more cost-effective then 12 or 14’s. You’ll eventually have a tailor anyway that will be able to solve that problem.

Once the bags are bought send them to the mule in the mail, also give the mule 1 gold so he can send mail to you’re your other mules or guildies. The mules must always have money to send mail and 1 gold is more then they’ll need for a long time.

Your mule now has 56 slots in his inventory and another 40 slots in the bank (after purchasing a 10s slot in the deposit box). He’s more than ready to start accepting email donations of all the stuff you’ll be finding with your main character.

What to Mule

Everything! Any items that are white, green or blue, you’ll want to send to your mule. The trick is finding out what items go to what mule. For this reason I also made a mule called ‘Trophygoods’ that is kind of a half-way house for items until I find out which tradeskill they are related to. The point is, you don’t want to waste anything that can possibly be used in any tradeskill or quest. This ensures that you a quicker leveling process when you try to level another character or a new tradeskill.

Auction Housing with your Mule

The most beneficial aspect of smart muling is your easy access to the Auction House. This is widely because of your Auction House mule that was specifically created to hold your green and blue (and hopefully) purple items. This mule should be given more than 1 gold, he should have around 10gold at any given time. This mule will be your main income as you quest through the game.

You see, the Auction House mule will be the only character you have, that posts items on the Auction House, hence, he’ll be getting all the money you win off of your auctions. Your Auction House mule will eventually dwarf (no pun intended) the amount of gold your main has. If you’re big on tradeskilling for money, you can always see some money from that, however, you should send those items to your Auction House mule as well seeing that he’s logged in the hub of the economy.

Keep in mind that your Auction House mule is also logged out next to the Auction House. This means that you don’t have to use your main to check for new auctions, you can just log off your main, log on your mule and quickly have access to viewing the auctions in the Auction House which eliminates a huge amount of travel time if you’re a big fanatic of the Auction House.

Purchasing More Bag Slots (or ... NOT)

Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t intend on paying 20, 50 or 100 gold on bag slots in my deposit box. Even though 20g truly isn’t a lot of gold at the higher levels, it’s just something I’d rather save then spend. If you’re allowed to have 10 characters on one server, then the extra bag slots are kind of redundant, especially if they cost a lot of gold.

If you’ve hit the point where 10-14 slots in your inventory is worth 20g to you, then maybe you should buy another slot in your deposit box. I’ll just create another mule.

Though specific muling is a common concept in many games, the addition of the Auction House and mailing items really makes it useful. In World of Warcraft travel time is the biggest detriment to the leveling process and eliminating the Auction House from your travels (while still having easy access to it) can speed up your leveling process greatly.